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4 900 000 PLN (4 900 000 zł/m2)
Wietrzno, Wietrzno
Archiwalna - Lokal komercyjny na sprzedaż
-m2 1
  • Oferta Archiwalna:
    FOR SALE!!! A 100 year old, antique Neo-Baroque PALACE with an area of 4884 sq m. built in 1920 The Palace is situated on a plot of land with an area of 9,91 ha, located near the town of POLANÓW, WIETRZNO countryside, Northern...
Oferta Archiwalna:

A 100 year old, antique Neo-Baroque PALACE with an area of 4884 sq m. built in 1920
The Palace is situated on a plot of land with an area of 9,91 ha, located near the town of POLANÓW, WIETRZNO countryside, Northern POLAND.
The ESTATE is situated in the province of Zachodniopomorskie, at distance of 50 km from Baltic Sea, 45 km from the city of Koszalin.

Currently the building consists of:
- 158 rooms, wof which 30 en suite (with private bathrooms),
- Ball Room,
- Lounge Room with a fire place,
- 7 classrooms
- Private apartment
- Doctor?s office
- 3 public bathrooms
- Very spacious kitchen

The estate is located near lakes, in a direct neighborhood of forests, closely to a ski slope spot in a town of Polanów.
Because of picturesque landscape surrounding the property and close access to many attractions and activities, the offering estate is a perfect investment to start a hotel, private school, nursing home, private clinic or a wedding house.

PRICE: 4 400.000,- PLN.


More information:

Kinga Kubicz
Director of Operations
tel. +48 609 117 099
e-mail: k.kubicz@wgn.pl
WGN Real Estate Słupsk,

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