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21 421 530 PLN (21 421 530 zł/m2)
Oleśnica, Stanisława Moniuszki
Archiwalna - Lokal komercyjny na sprzedaż
-m2 1
  • Oferta Archiwalna:
    Trustee in bankruptcyof Zakłady Naprawcze Taboru Kolejowego w Oleśnicy S.A. in insolvencyannounces a tender for the sale of the enterprisefor the starting price not lower than 21,421,530.00 PLNGeneral characteristics of the enterpriseThe...
Oferta Archiwalna:

Trustee in bankruptcy

of Zakłady Naprawcze Taboru Kolejowego w Oleśnicy S.A. in insolvency

announces a tender for the sale of the enterprise

for the starting price not lower than 21,421,530.00 PLN

General characteristics of the enterprise

The subject of activity of Zakłady Naprawcze Taboru Kolejowego w Oleśnicy S.A. was repair and overhaul services for electric locomotives, with particular emphasis on EU/EP07 series locomotives used to run trains with intermodal (container) load, among others.

The Enterprise, located in Oleśnica at 20 Moniuszki Street, comprises:

1/. the right of perpetual usufruct of the land property within the boundaries of plots No. 6/21, 6/22, 6/24, 6/27 AM-74, Oleśnica District, Oleśnica Poviat, Dolnośląskie Voivodeship, with a total area of 29,391 m2, and the right of ownership of buildings and structures constituting a separate object of ownership (paint shop for electric trains, F" hall, unfinished warehouse hall, railway siding), located in Oleśnica at 20 Moniuszki Street, for which a land and mortgage register No. WR1E/00054347/1 is kept by the District Court in Oleśnica, V Division of Land and Mortgage Registers;

2/. the right of perpetual usufruct of the land property within the borders of plots No. 6/28, 6/30 AM-74, Oleśnica District, Oleśnica Poviat, Dolnośląskie Voivodship, of a total area of 104 094 m2 and the right of ownership of industrial buildings (production and storage buildings) constituting a separate object of ownership, located in Oleśnica at 20 Moniuszki Street, for which a mortgage register No. WR1E/00108836/0 is kept by the District Court in Oleśnica, V Division of Land and Mortgage Registers;

3/. the right of perpetual usufruct of a land property within the boundaries of plot no. 6/29 AM-74, Olesnica District, Oleśnica Poviat, Dolnośląskie voivodship, with an area of 2 861 m2 and the right of perpetual usufruct of a building (an office building) constituting a separate object of ownership, located in Oleśnica at 20 Moniuszki Street, for which a land and mortgage register WR1E/00108801/6 is kept by the District Court in Oleśnica, V Division of Land and Mortgage Registers;

4/. right of perpetual usufruct of a land property constituting an access road, within the boundaries of plots No. 6/14, 6/15, 6/16 AM-74, Oleśnica District, Oleśnica Poviat, Dolnośląskie Voivodeship, of a total area of 1398 m2 , for which a land and mortgage register No. WR1E/00043417/3 is kept by the District Court in Olesnica, V Division of Land and Mortgage Registers;

The total area of plots of land is 137,744 m2 and the total usable area of buildings (production and storage halls and office buildings) is 56,061.69 m2.

5/. movable fixed assets and low-value items and inventories (materials);

6/. lease and rental agreements concluded by the Trustee after the date of the declaration of bankruptcy.

The sale in this tender procedure includes the enterprise within the meaning of Article 551 of the Civil Code as an organised group of intangible and tangible assets intended for the conduct of business activities, excluding cash in the bankruptcy estate in cash and in bank accounts, short-term receivables, intangible assets and archivable documentation, including, inter alia, documentation generated in the course of bankruptcy proceedings.

Advantages of the company's location

• Location of the property close to the borders with the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany, which facilitates cooperation with entities from these countries and enables active search for orders in neighbouring countries;

• Proximity to Wrocław (approx. 30 km), which is a major railway junction, with an international airport and research and development facilities of the Wrocław University of Technology and the International University of Logistics and Transport in Wrocław. Wrocław is also a large business centre with a rich hotel and cultural offer;

• Good access to the railway line, as the property is located directly at the railway line No. 143 with a direct exit to the property and close proximity to the S8 expressway (approx. 5 km) with two exits Oleśnica West and North and the A-4 motorway (approx. 51 km);

Formal conditions of participation in the tender for the sale of the enterprise

The condition for participation in the tender is submission of a correctly prepared offer to the Office of the Trustee in Wrocław, ul. Jutrzenki 19/21, by 31 January 2023, from 10:00 to 15:00, and payment by that date of the tender deposit in the amount of PLN 2,000,000.00 to the bank account of Zakłady Naprawcze Taboru Kolejowego w Oleśnicy S.A. in bankruptcy held by Bank Pekao S.A., account no: 05 1240 6768 1111 0010 9093 8921.

A written offer, submitted in a sealed envelope marked "Tender for the sale of Zakłady Naprawcze Taboru Kolejowego w Oleśnicy S.A. in bankruptcy", should include:

1/. name, registered office, including the e-mail address for service in these proceedings covered by the Regulations, confirmed by a current extract from the National Court Register or the Register of Business Activity;

2/. offered purchase price, not lower than PLN 21,421,530.00 (say: twenty one million four hundred and twenty one thousand five hundred and thirty PLN) net, payable in accordance with the rules specified in the Regulations;

3/. statement that the Bidder is familiar with the "TENDER CONDITIONS DOCUMENTATION" and has no objections to its terms and conditions;

4/. statement that the Bidder is not a representative of the bankrupt, his spouse, children, parents and siblings as well as spouse, ascendants, descendants, siblings and relatives in the same line or degree of the Trustee and the Commissioner in bankruptcy proceedings ref. no. VIII GUp 17/19;

5/. a statement of the bank account number to which the deposit paid should be reimbursed in the event that the tender is not successful;

6/. statement of being acquainted with the condition of the subject of the tender, specified in § 1, passage 2 of the Regulations, and waiving any claims resulting from its condition or defects revealed at a later time;

7/. statement that the Bidder undertakes, in case of the selection of his/her offer, to conclude the sale agreement within the time limit specified by the Trustee;

8/. statement that the Bidder undertakes to cover all costs related to the conclusion of the sale agreement;

9/. attached confirmation of payment of the bid security in the amount of PLN 2,000,000. To the bank account of the bankruptcy estate held by Bank Pekao S.A., account No.: 05 1240 6768 1111 0010 9093 8921;

10/. additionally, a foreign Bidder should submit all required documents translated into Polish by a sworn translator.

Terms and conditions of the auction (bidding)

In case the difference between the offered purchase prices is lower than 0.5% of the highest offered price, the bids will be treated as equal and the Trustee of ZNTK Oleśnica S.A. will organise an auction (bidding) for the bidders who submitted equal bids.

Detailed information on where to submit bids

Written bids should be submitted by 31 January 2023 to the address of the Trustee’s Office in Wrocław, ul. Jutrzenki 19/21.

Detailed information about the Company and documentation of the terms and conditions of the tender along with the Rules and Regulations can be obtained at the Office of the Trustee between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. by prior appointment by phone at 572 677 330.

In other cases, the Rules and Regulations of the Tender are binding, available in the Office of the Trustee or on the websites www.syndyk.info, www.ardobiejewska.pl.

An announcement about the organised tender for the sale of the enterprise of Zakłady Naprawcze Taboru Kolejowego w Oleśnicy S.A. in bankruptcy will be published on 13 December 2022 in Gazeta Wyborcza with national coverage.

The Trustee reserves the right to cancel the tender procedure, without stating reasons, at any stage of the procedure.

Wrocław, 12 December 2022

Syndyk Bożena Przygoda
tel: 572 677 330

Oferta wysłana z programu dla biur nieruchomości ASARI CRM (asaricrm.com)

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